Keeping on top of your insights on social media is important if you want to see growth across your platforms. Insights help you to plan and modify your content so that you’re getting the best results from your social media marketing campaigns. Facebook provides you with detailed insights across a range of important elements. 
If you’re not currently looking at your insights and using them as a guide in order to have a successful business page, here are some reasons why you should start. 
Firstly, what are insights? 
Insights provide you with the knowledge of how you’re performing on your social media pages. It gives you the opportunity gain an understanding of what posts are doing well, where your audience is from along with other audience demographics such as gender and location, and how many people your posts are reaching and how many of those people are engaging. These are all key factors to planning or editing your marketing strategy to be able to successfully run a business page on a social media platform. 
Why should your business be using them? 
Paying attention to your insights is a key factor if you want to see engagement and growth. Your social media presence is important, and if your current posts aren’t providing you with positive results then it’s likely that you’re not reaching out to the audiences you planned to target, or that certain posts are seeing less engagement than others. Insights are a great tool if you want to improve your social media strategy and therefore, they must be used if you’re looking to make social media an integral part of your business. 
What information can your business get from insights on Facebook? 
Facebook have a range of different categories under ‘insights’ that help you to understand all different parts of your Facebook marketing. From insights on groups and ads to likes and reach, you’re able to review all elements of your Facebook marketing campaign and see how they’re working out for you. 
There are a couple of key insights that you should be reviewing when looking into them on Facebook. These are: 
- People 
- Reach 
- Posts 
You can also look at your likes, but this is a vanity metric. Lots of likes and engagement doesn’t necessarily always mean the content your posting is successful and that you should ignore and neglect other elements. 
This allows you to see demographics about the audiences your content is reaching. You can see what cities they’re from, their gender and their age. This helps you discover if you’re really appealing to your target audience or if Facebook is advertising your posts to them. If not, maybe it’s an idea to look at your content and research into interests your target audience have and what type of content other companies with the same target audience are producing so you can re-target them and Facebook can correctly start advertising. If you’re wanting to target a specific location, you must make sure you’re getting it right. Occasionally businesses choose cities or towns that end up actually being in other countries, so make sure you’re checking that you’re advertising the correct place. 
The reach tab lets you see your paid traffic and your organic traffic. From this, you’re able to see spikes in your reach and dips in it too. When you see days where content isn’t doing well ,you can review your marketing plan so you can post on days that are seeing a more positive result with reach. 
You can see the number of reactions and shares you’re getting on certain days so look at content that seems to be getting a high volume of interaction and think about how you could potentially utilise this kind of content in future. You want more positive engagement, as this means you get more reach, so don’t post anything that’s controversial as this can negatively affect your business page. 
It also allows you to see any negative interaction such as reports, unlikes or people who have hidden your content. If there is a high volume of this, you must review your content and try and find out why. If this is happening often, you must fix it quickly so that your can create and sustain a successful social media page. 
This is an important insight that will help you to plan your content. You’re able to see all your posts and how they’re performing. This will help you to discover the optimal times to post and what content to post. 
Facebook time is set to Pacific Time Zone, so if you’re outside of the USA remember to apply the time difference so you can get the correct results. Facebook displays a graphic that shows you what posts are seen the most at certain times, and you’ll often see a spike in your audience being online at a specific time. This doesn’t mean you should aim to post all your posts at this one time, but it does mean you should consider having posts prepared for it so that you’re able to reach the audience and maximise potential engagement. 
You can also see what types of posts are doing best – is it video content, photo content or posts with links? You can use this information to modify your content so you’re getting the most success from your posts. Again, don’t limit yourself to one type of content, but find what your audience are enjoying and interacting with so you can utilise it. 
All of your posts are available for you to look at and discover the ones that are doing best. This will then help you update your content so that you can get the most positive interaction. 
When you post remember; don’t make a blatant sales pitch as this is off putting for the audience, who feel like they’re just being sold to 24/7, and don’t link away from your page. Whilst outside website links can be helpful if it directs to another page such as your website, but links to sites like YouTube or Instagram can distract your audience away from your page. 
Insights are something all business owners should be using and checking regularly so that they can keep on top of their marketing campaigns and make sure they’re getting the most out of them. Take a look at your insights today and see what you could be doing differently or doing more of. 
Need further advice? 
Get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and see how we can help you grow your social media presence 
Tel: 07963216248 
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