Posts tagged “Facebook Marketing”

When it comes to creating Facebook Ads, you may have run a campaign that hasn’t worked as well as you expected, or are thinking of creating a campaign but aren’t 100% sure on whether you’ve chosen the right ad creative. 
If you’re in this position, then you should use A/B testing. This allows you to change different elements of your ads, run them, and then analyse the results to see which one works the best for your business. 
Here’s how you can use A/B testing with your ad creative. 

What Is A/B Testing? 

A/B testing is the method of changing elements of your ad and then running both variants at the same time. The point is to see which variant works the best, and then to choose the best working ad to run on Facebook.  
This helps you keep your cost-per-click low, and means you won’t be wasting money on ads that aren’t performing or are giving you a much higher cost-per-click than an ad that may be successful if you run an A/B Test. 

Testing Variables – What Should I Change? 

To do an A/B test with your ad creative, you can change multiple variables, including: 
- Ad headline 
- Ad copy 
- Graphics 
- Type of Ad – static, video or carousel 
- Call To Action 
You should only change one variable at a time. If you run an ad with a different graphic, copy, and call to action for an A/B test, you’re essentially running an entirely separate ad. You can do multiple A/B tests If you want to try different things to get the best result from your ad, using the past results to create the ultimate ad that gives you the best return on your investment. 

How To Do An A/B Test 

To do an A/B test, select your campaign and on the toolbar, click A/B test. Then, you can select the variable you want to change. Alternatively, you can do this by creating your initial campaign, copying your ad in the ad level and changing the variable for however many ads you plan to test. So, if you begin by changing the graphic, choose the alternative graphics whilst leaving everything else the same and then you can publish your ad. To get a good idea of the result, Meta suggests that you run an A/B test for 7 days, but can also run it for up to 30 days to get a full scope of how your ad has been performing. If you want, you can then keep the best performing graphic, but change the copy to see which copy connect most with people. You can test as much as you like, but you shouldn’t constantly be testing these ads and spending more and more money when you could already have an ad that works perfectly well without the need for constant changes and tests. 

What Should I Look For 

If you’re using Facebook’s A/B test function, they will automatically select the best performing ad at the end of your testing and display it to all of your audience. If you do it in the ad level, you will have to judge yourself based on the goal you set out to achieve – whether that’s the lowest cost per result, link clicks or conversions. You can use this to determine your best performing ad – switching off the others so your budget is directed at the ad that’s bringing you your desired results. 
A/B testing is an important component in your paid digital marketing efforts, allowing you to get the best results from your ad campaigns, taking a poor campaign to one that becomes a key part of your business’s marketing strategy. Try it today and see how it works for your business. 
Now that your business is on Facebook, it’s time to promote yourself so that your audience can become aware of your presence and begin engaging with you and your content. 
When done correctly, Facebook can become a key platform in your marketing strategy and bring you a lot of business and success from your audience. 
Here’s 5 top tips for promoting your business on Facebook. 

Optimise Your Business Profile 

You must optimise your business profile to ensure your customers are getting all the information they need about your business, improving your brand image, trust and boosting your chance of being shown to potential customers on social media.  
Make sure you include: 
- Your logo 
- Your ethos and slogan 
- Contact information such as an email or telephone number 
- Business location (if you have a physical store) 
- Your website 
- Opening Times 
- Business Page 
- Call To Action 
- Select relevant categories that best describe your business 
Having all of this information included not only authenticates your business and shows your audience that you are real, but it helps them understand a little bit more about what you do, who you are and how they can get in touch if needed. By ensuring your business page is fully set up and ready to go, you can then begin to move on to these further tips to grow your page into a valuable marketing tool for your company. 

Facebook Groups 

Facebook Groups have become a huge source of success for businesses using the platform for their marketing. In the last few years, 74% of creators have used Facebook Groups to build their communities, with over 1.8 billion users of groups every month – meaning your community is definitely out there, you just need to find them and make them aware of your brand. You should have an idea of who your target market Is and who your ideal customer is. Abiding by rules of the group, look around and join groups that align with your business and its values, that include all the right people you’d like to eventually convert into loyal customers. 
Brand awareness is key to building an audience – if people remember you and can recognise you, whether that’s simply from your name and logo or from the way you’ve been able to provide information on a topic they’ve asked about, that’s a great first step to making people aware of your business. When people become aware of your brand via a group, they’re much more likely to engage with you and your content, which could then lead to them liking your page and continue the interaction outside of these groups and onto your business page instead before making a purchase. It’s all about the customer journey, and brand awareness is a key component in this. 

Interact With Followers 

The art of social media is to be social, so don’t constantly use sales pitches when talking to your potential audience, interact with people you see as potential audience members using your brand voice and answer any question’s they have using your brand voice and industry knowledge. Interacting with your followers shows them that you care about what they have to say, want to help them understand any queries they have about their industries and solve their problems with a product you provide. Even if you’re simply thanking them for a great review, this fosters positive environment for both you, your customers and potential audience members who see you’re actively engaged with those within your community. 

Valuable Content 

When you have a business page you need to be producing valuable content in order to convey your message to the audience and boost engagement. Whether you are creating graphics, videos, focusing on live content or have another way to promote your business via your content, everything you post must be meaningful and have value that will be recognised and appreciated by your audience. Show your knowledge and expertise, balance your value posts and advertisement posts and make sure you’re looking at your analytics so you can work out when the best time to post. Don’t just focus on the timeline – reels and stories have also grown in engagement in the last year, with 57% of businesses noticing that including Facebook stories to promote their products and services is crucial to their success. 

Facebook Ads 

Facebook Ads have become a staple tactic for marketers who want to use the platform for business promotion. When done correctly, you won’t need to spend a lot to get big results, especially if your ad is optimised for mobile devices which accounted for 94% of sales in 2019. Facebook’s Ad platform offers you multiple different options when it comes to creating your advert, from the ad types to the creative you’ll be able to tweak and change things so it’s fully suitable for what you want your ad to achieve. 
One of the best thing Facebook offers is their ad targeting options. You can break the targeting down so it targets your ideal customer exactly, even having the option to select what interests they have to make your audience size perfect for your business and for your budget. 
Promoting your business on Facebook is a journey, and one that will take your time and attention to successfully be carried out. Why not try out these tips and see how they can help with business promotion on social media? 
Facebook and LinkedIn both have benefits for businesses looking to improve their online marketing efforts, but they both have features that may be more suited to how your business operates digitally. 
Want to know which is best for your business? Here’s all your need to know about LinkedIn and Facebook Marketing… 

User Base 

Facebook is the bigger platform, with over 3 billion users compared to LinkedIn’s 875 million, but that doesn’t mean Facebook is the better platform. Whilst it has a bigger audience, both platforms were created for different reasons, with Facebook made for people to connect with friends and LinkedIn for professional connections. Knowing exactly who your target market is will help when it comes to selecting your platform for digital marketing, as you’ll be able to get a feel for which site they may populate the most. 

Looking For B2B Marketing? Try LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is a platform for professionals, so if you’re looking to connect with like-minded business owners and use social-selling to get your business out there. Share thoughts with others in your industry, join groups that are relevant, and post content that’s valuable and insightful. LinkedIn was built for networking, so don’t worry about creating those valuable connections with people – they’ll likely be clued up on terminology and the ins and outs of your industry. 

Facebook Is Best For B2C 

If you would prefer B2C Marketing, you should take a look at Facebook. Facebook allows you to connect with your target customers and see what they think of your business. It also offers diverse targeting when it comes to paid ads, so you can reach out to the exact people who have an interest in your business and your products helping you build brand awareness, engage with customers directly and gather your insights through analytics. 

LinkedIn Groups vs Facebook Groups 

Both platforms offer groups, which are good ways to reach more people and build good relationships for your business. 
LinkedIn Groups are a place for industry professionals to gather and discuss the goings-on in your sector. You can also share your own experiences, and the latest news from your industry. There are also people in these groups that may not be leaders, but professionals who could benefit from the advice you share. Take a look into some groups that interest you and see the style of posts and engagements they get before joining. 
Facebook Groups also let you operate in a similar to LinkedIn, but you have to remember whilst you’re the professional, a lot of those in these groups won’t have heard the industry-lingo you know about so keep things a little more-simple. A lot of businesses create their own groups as an incentive to build brand loyalty and trust, offering those in there exclusive updates, discounts, Q&A sessions and more, and with over 400 million people in groups they find meaningful you can build a solid digital marketing foundation from Facebook just through your groups. 

Facebook Ads vs. LinkedIn Ads 

Facebook and LinkedIn both offer Ads, and whilst Facebook Ads are arguably the best out there on social media, LinkedIn Ads shouldn’t be discounted. LinkedIn Ads don’t have the same, low cost-per-click Facebook Ads do, but they are great - especially for Lead Generation adverts and reaching other Business owners. Facebook Ads are much more personalised, and have better targeting options that allow you to really narrow down you audience so you can be sure you’re reaching out exactly to the people who would be interested in your business and what you have to sell. 
Facebook and LinkedIn are both great platforms to use when it comes to your marketing, but selecting the right one and building on it will help to grow your business on either platform and create a loyal base of followers and customers. 
Facebook is one of the most popular platforms to use for those looking to market their business on social media. 
With over 3 billion active users, Facebook gives you the opportunity to reach an audience you wouldn’t usually find if you’re not engaging with the digital side of marketing. It’s a huge platform allowing you to bring in the sales and audience you dream of. 
Getting engagement helps to boost your posts, create a loyal base of customers and followers and puts you as an industry lead. 
Here’s how you can increase your Facebook engagement. 
When you begin marketing on Facebook, one of the first things you must do is create a business page. This page will be the basis of your marketing, giving you the tools to make your social media marketing a success. 
It’s important you get your business page right, as it’s the hub of everything you do, and one of the first places potential audience members will look for more information about what you do. 
Here’s how you can engage customers with an ideal business page on Facebook. 
Facebook Ads allow you to promote your business beyond the traditional forms of advertising and marketing, giving you the opportunity to push your products and services to a wider audience using social media. 
If you haven’t started using Facebook Ads yet, then there’s no better time like the present to get your business marketing on socials by using ads on the platform. Setting out may seem like a big task at first, but when you know what you’re doing it can make the whole process a little easier. 
Here’s how to get started creating Facebook Ads. 
Your Facebook Ads are an important part of your marketing efforts, and when they’re created well, they can become a key part of your online sales and engagement strategy. 
Roughly 19% of global ad revenue comes from Facebook Ads, with a user on average clicking on 12 ads each month. 
But how do you create an ad that performs well? Here are some tips on how you can start writing and creating a great Facebook Ad. 
If you’re looking to find an effective way to market your business online, then Facebook is a great platform to use. It allows you to directly target and reach out to your audience, create an ad that really sells your business and brings in customers and improves your brand recognition, trust and loyalty. 
If you’re looking to maximise your ROI using Facebook Ads, then here are some tips on how you can optimise your ad spend. 
Make Improvements To Your Ad Account 
If you’re running ads but aren’t seeing the results you desire, then it may be time to take a look at your Facebook Ads account. 
There’s been some big social media news this month, from new platform launches to rebrands and feature changes that could be handy for marketers to take advantage of. 
Let’s take a look at the latest updates for July 2023…. 
Meta Launches Threads 
The biggest news from July is the launch of Meta’s new social media app, Threads. 
Threads works in a similar way to Twitter – even having a similar interface, where users can create text-based posts, follow other creators, like, repost and quote other ‘thread’s’. They have also introduced a similar ‘For You’ and ‘Following’ timeline feature, after listening to concerns from users that they weren’t seeing content from users they follow on the initial app’s rollout. 
When you create Facebook Ads, you’ll be expecting them to bring you good results. When you don’t seem to be getting these results however, it can be disappointing and may make you think Facebook Ads aren’t worth investing in. 
However, there are many common mistakes people make when they create their Facebook Ads, that can have an impact on their performance. 
Here are the Facebook Ad mistakes to avoid. 
When you start creating a plan for your Facebook Ads, one of the key things to make note of is the Ad Copy. This is what helps to sell your ad to the audience, so must be effective and persuasive enough to get people to engage with you. 
Facebook Ad copy is important – when a user is interested in what they see, whether it be a graphic, article or video, one of the first places they’ll find more information about the ad on is in the copy This needs to convince and direct them to your landing page, where they can take further action. 
If you need help with writing Facebook Ad Copy, here are some strategies to boost engagement. 
When you create your Facebook Ad, one of the most important things to consider is the ad design. The copy and the graphics must be eye-catching and persuasive, so that it stops people scrolling and grabs their attention. 
There are certain things you should and shouldn’t do when creating your Facebook Ad Design, so here are the do’s and don’ts that you should follow.