Posts tagged “Facebook”

Are you currently running a Facebook Ads campaign? 
If you are, but it’s not working out well, or if you think you could make improvements but don’t know where to begin, then this blog is for you. 
Facebook Ads can be a huge source of success for your business if they’re optimised right. Here are 5 things you can do to improve your Facebook Ads. 

1. Audience Targeting 

Your target audience is the key to getting your ads working. If they’re not seeing your ads, then you won’t be getting the sales or clicks you’re looking for. Check to see who your ads are being targeted towards against your ideal customer, and see if they match up. If they don’t, then use Facebook’s targeting options to ensure you’re reaching the right people. 
You can choose their gender, location, age, interests, job titles etc – anything that aligns with your target customer. If they do match up however, it could mean your audience size is too small. Whilst it’s better to be specific with your targeting, it can also be an issue if you’re too specific. Shrinking your audience size down too much will mean your ad won't be shown to enough people - impacting your click through rate and sales. By taking advantage of Facebook’s targeting options, you will be able to fix any issues with your ad’s audience, improving your reach, impressions, click through rate and sales. 

2. A/B Testing 

If your ad isn’t performing, then A/B testing is a great option for ensuring you’ll get a return on your investment. With A/B testing, you’ll change one ad variable and run separate ads at the same time – analysing the results afterwards to see which worked the best (or if you use Facebooks A/B test function, they’ll select the best performing one at the end of your test period). Changing anything like the graphic, wording, headline, audience etc might be the key for taking an ad that currently isn’t working at its best to an ad that brings in more clicks and sales than you predicted. You can’t assume which ad will be successful, which is why A/B testing is such an important step in running Facebook Ads. To read more about A/B testing, click here

3. Set Your Goals 

It may sound simple, but knowing what you want to achieve from your ad makes the entire process easier, and more likely to bring you your desired results. Aimlessly going in and setting up an ad with no plan, no idea what you want from it and minimal understanding on how Facebook Ads actually work will not work out for your business. Instead, set your goals before you go into creating an ad, which will help you with each step of the process. The type of campaign you select has to align with your goals – want website visits? Use a Traffic campaign. Sales campaigns are great if you want someone to buy a product or service. Awareness campaigns are good for brand recognition. Having a clear cut idea of your needed outcome will also help you with tailoring the right message to your audience and creating a suitable visual component to go alongside it. 

4. Be Concise 

Your copy needs to be concise and to the point. You need to grab the audience’s attention instantly – telling them that you have a solution to their problems. Having great, eye-catching graphics and a clear message that work well together can make a great impression, and if you have the option, using video allows you to get even more of your points across outside of a long stream of text. Speak to their pain points, explain how you can fix it, and then tell them what they’ll gain from using your products. This gives your audience a straightforward overview of what you’re offering them, and is much more attention-grabbing than lots of text that takes a long time to get to the main point of the subject. 

5. Measure Your Analytics 

Your analytics are telling you how your ad is doing, but if you don’t pay attention to them then you’re just putting money into something that might not be bringing you anything back. This links to you knowing your goals – if you wanted sales for example, you can use your analytics to see how many sales are being brought in by the ad you’re running. If you want link clicks, look at how many you’re getting and what this is costing you. You analytics relate to everything we’ve already discussed – strengthen your targeting if your ad isn’t working, run an A/B test and compare your analytics, ensure you are getting a concise message across and set your goals so you know exactly what to look for. Keep a track of your metrics, so you can see when things begin to improve. 
Facebook Ads often are a game of testing and changing things until they work – you can hope something sticks, but that’s not always going to be the case. If you’re thinking of making changes to your campaigns, hopefully you’ll find these tips useful in turning a poor campaign into a winning one. 
When it comes to creating Facebook Ads, you may have run a campaign that hasn’t worked as well as you expected, or are thinking of creating a campaign but aren’t 100% sure on whether you’ve chosen the right ad creative. 
If you’re in this position, then you should use A/B testing. This allows you to change different elements of your ads, run them, and then analyse the results to see which one works the best for your business. 
Here’s how you can use A/B testing with your ad creative. 

What Is A/B Testing? 

A/B testing is the method of changing elements of your ad and then running both variants at the same time. The point is to see which variant works the best, and then to choose the best working ad to run on Facebook.  
This helps you keep your cost-per-click low, and means you won’t be wasting money on ads that aren’t performing or are giving you a much higher cost-per-click than an ad that may be successful if you run an A/B Test. 

Testing Variables – What Should I Change? 

To do an A/B test with your ad creative, you can change multiple variables, including: 
- Ad headline 
- Ad copy 
- Graphics 
- Type of Ad – static, video or carousel 
- Call To Action 
You should only change one variable at a time. If you run an ad with a different graphic, copy, and call to action for an A/B test, you’re essentially running an entirely separate ad. You can do multiple A/B tests If you want to try different things to get the best result from your ad, using the past results to create the ultimate ad that gives you the best return on your investment. 

How To Do An A/B Test 

To do an A/B test, select your campaign and on the toolbar, click A/B test. Then, you can select the variable you want to change. Alternatively, you can do this by creating your initial campaign, copying your ad in the ad level and changing the variable for however many ads you plan to test. So, if you begin by changing the graphic, choose the alternative graphics whilst leaving everything else the same and then you can publish your ad. To get a good idea of the result, Meta suggests that you run an A/B test for 7 days, but can also run it for up to 30 days to get a full scope of how your ad has been performing. If you want, you can then keep the best performing graphic, but change the copy to see which copy connect most with people. You can test as much as you like, but you shouldn’t constantly be testing these ads and spending more and more money when you could already have an ad that works perfectly well without the need for constant changes and tests. 

What Should I Look For 

If you’re using Facebook’s A/B test function, they will automatically select the best performing ad at the end of your testing and display it to all of your audience. If you do it in the ad level, you will have to judge yourself based on the goal you set out to achieve – whether that’s the lowest cost per result, link clicks or conversions. You can use this to determine your best performing ad – switching off the others so your budget is directed at the ad that’s bringing you your desired results. 
A/B testing is an important component in your paid digital marketing efforts, allowing you to get the best results from your ad campaigns, taking a poor campaign to one that becomes a key part of your business’s marketing strategy. Try it today and see how it works for your business. 
Social Media Marketing is constantly evolving, and with the end of 2024 fast approaching we can now predict some of the trends that we may be seeing in the next year. Staying ahead of the curve, keeping updated and implementing these strategies and tips into your 2025 plan can boost your marketing performance. 
Here’s a look at the trends to watch in 2025. 

Short Form Content 

Short Form Content, thanks to TikTok, Reels and YouTube Shorts, has been on the rise in the last couple of years, and now is the content being pushed more and more across social media. Attention Spans have been decreasing, and with the fast-pace style of social media nowadays if you’re not hooking people in straight away, they’ll just move on to the next thing – which is why you need to ensure your short form content impresses in just a few seconds.  
There are no signs that audiences are shifting away from short form content, so having it as part of your marketing strategy in 2025 can boost your performance and unlock new avenues and new platforms your business may not have considered before. 

AI-Powered Content 

AI has slowly been on the rise the last few years, but saw it’s first big boom in 2024 after social sites, scheduling tools, and search platforms integrated it into their models. Whilst there are ethical concerns around using AI, and many complaining that it removes the personalised feel that users on social media are craving in recent years, it hasn’t stopped the big social platforms from pushing its usage more and more. ChatGPT was the first real significant sign of change after it’s release in 2022, and things have only sped up since. McKinsey research suggests Generative AI usage has increased by 32% in 2024, and whilst you don’t have to use it many marketers are now looking at how they can use AI features to boost their content output, design and ideas. 
Don’t just use AI because you can though – really get to grips with what the platforms you are on are offering, learn how to use them best for your business and then discuss with your team before implementing it as part of your business model. As we’ll see later, consumers are actually leaning towards more ethical marketing practices – which could make using AI tricky, especially with concerns about the environmental impact of using sites such as ChatGPT – but it doesn’t seem like there will be an uprising against it any time soon, so if you feel like it’s right for your business, use it responsibly. You could always keep going with the plan you have now to – if AI isn’t something that will enhance your marketing that’s currently performing well for you, don’t just bring it in because everyone else is. It could just become your niche to be the business that doesn’t rely on artificial intelligence! 

Social Commerce 

More and more people are using social media for finding products and services than they are with search – and with Gen Z now becoming the star generation for targeted marketing, social media is the way to go for advertising. Gen Z have now reached a point where they’ll be earning their own money, and as the first generation to grow up with the social media we know today at their fingertips, they are far savvier with what they’ll purchase, and what marketing speaks to them. If they’re your target audience, think about the types of content that is popular with this generation – short form video content, general video marketing and influencer marketing – and what platforms they’re most likely to frequent – TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram. TikTok, Facebook and Instagram all allow you to have your own in-platform digital stores, which will help you sell and advertise products without having to take your audience off these social platforms. Utilising paid advertising is also a great way to sell through social media – though this may lead people off the platform, it will help you to connect with your audience and boost conversions. 

Ethical Marketing 

Ethical Marketing is a technique based on your company’s values and principles, focusing on honesty, transparency, user privacy, responsibility, and sustainability. Now more than ever, audiences are conscious about data protection and the impacts company’s and products are having on the earth, and will often look for businesses that meet their own values, and those who are completely transparent about their products and services. Being honest about your practices, how you’re working to become a more sustainable business and how data is used will all help to build trust whilst also making your commitment to being a more ethically and environmentally conscious clear. 

Niche Influencer Marketing 

Big Influencers are no longer the go-to for audiences, as niche influencers are on the rise. Whilst they may cultivate a smaller audience pool, they allow you to connect with influencers who’s content revolves around the same audience you are looking to reach out to. It’s a highly targeted form of advertising through using influencers to promote your products, which unlike using big names who have potentially irrelevant audiences to your business in their followers, the niche influencers will be talking to people who need a product just like yours. It’s a great way to boost sales, and with many audiences gravitating to these smaller, authentic influencers finding ones that align with your business can be great to use in your strategy for 2025. 
Social Media Marketing is always changing and evolving, and keeping up can be difficult when you’re also trying to run your business. Using these trends, you can prepare in advance and enter 2025 with the experience and knowledge in these growing, popular digital marketing efforts. 
October is coming to an end, which means it’s time for our 2024 social media roundup! 
We’ll be looking at all the newest updates across social platforms that can help you in your digital marketing journey. 
Let’s see what’s happened in October 2024... 

Threads Continues To Grow In Popularity 

Threads has seen a slow but steady increase in popularity over the last few months, and has now reached the top of the download’s charts on iTunes, and sits at #7 for Google Play. X, it’s competitor, doesn’t feature on either chart – potentially due to the fact it’s not a new app, although Instagram and Facebook are still going strong with downloads. 

X Facing Even More Competition 

Speaking of X, the constant changes have been met with negative feedback – the newest being that the block feature is changing, so you’ll still be able to see content from accounts you’ve blocked and vice versa, but you can’t interact with it - with the only way to avoid these accounts seeing your posts is going private. This has seemingly driven people away from the app and to Bluesky. Bluesky is a relatively new platform created by X’S (or Twitter’s) former CEO Jack Dorsey, and this month it gained almost half a million users in one day. The interface of Bluesky is incredibly similar to that of X, but has more interactive features than the platform which sets it apart. Should Bluesky continue to see a rise in users, X will have to make big, positive changes to keep their existing users onside. 

Updates To Google Shopping 

Google are introducing AI to Google Shopping to help users search for items they’re interested in, and boost a brands connection to their audience. As explained by Google: “The new Google Shopping experience uses AI to intelligently show the most relevant products, helping to speed up and simplify your research. You’ll now get an AI-generated brief with top things to consider for your search, plus products that meet your needs.” 
They’ll let users know when a suggestion has been made by AI by labelling it as ‘experimental’ – allowing users to feedback if something isn’t quite right to improve how the system operates. 

Search Filter Updated On Facebook Groups 

Meta is introducing AI to the search function in Facebook Groups, helping users search for certain phrases or questions by initiating a chat with the group’s AI to receive answers. This can save time for businesses who struggle to keep up with their audience within their own groups, with AI helping these members instead with any questions they may have that have already been answered by you or another user previously. 

New ‘Best Practice’ Dashboard On Instagram 

Instagram will be rolling out a new feature over the coming months to creators on the platform looking for further insights into their content. Separate from the current insights’ dashboard, the Best Practice Dashboard will give users the following information: 
• Creation: Get information on how often to post, how to grab attention, advice on reel length and more. 
• Engagement: Know how to understand your metrics and relate to your audience 
• Reach: Learn about algorithms and follower growth. 
• Monetization: Get advice about making money via Instagram. 
• Guidelines: See updates to policies and community guidelines. 
That’s all for October – have a great November and keep an eye out for any beneficial social media updates that could appear over the next month. 
Finally, your social media tip is: I know, I know—we don’t want to talk about Christmas too early, but if you're running an e-commerce business and hoping to cash in on the festive sales, now’s the time to get your Google and Facebook ads ready! 🎄 
Don’t leave it till you’re hanging up the tinsel—start thinking about your ad strategy now, so you’re fully prepped when the Christmas rush hits. 
Let’s get your campaigns sorted! 🎅💻 
As a business, Facebook Ads can be a vital part of your marketing strategy. Using Facebook Ads, you can transform the way your business uses social media, as it becomes a powerful sales tool along with a platform for engagement and reach. 
Here is your Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Facebook Ads. 

Create A Facebook Account 

If you don’t already have a Facebook account, you need to create one before making an ad. You’ll also need a Facebook Business Page in order to access Ads Manager. You’ll need to set up a payment method to actually run your ads, but when this is done, you’ll be ready to get started. 
Now that your business is on Facebook, it’s time to promote yourself so that your audience can become aware of your presence and begin engaging with you and your content. 
When done correctly, Facebook can become a key platform in your marketing strategy and bring you a lot of business and success from your audience. 
Here’s 5 top tips for promoting your business on Facebook. 

Optimise Your Business Profile 

You must optimise your business profile to ensure your customers are getting all the information they need about your business, improving your brand image, trust and boosting your chance of being shown to potential customers on social media.  
Make sure you include: 
- Your logo 
- Your ethos and slogan 
- Contact information such as an email or telephone number 
- Business location (if you have a physical store) 
- Your website 
- Opening Times 
- Business Page 
- Call To Action 
- Select relevant categories that best describe your business 
Having all of this information included not only authenticates your business and shows your audience that you are real, but it helps them understand a little bit more about what you do, who you are and how they can get in touch if needed. By ensuring your business page is fully set up and ready to go, you can then begin to move on to these further tips to grow your page into a valuable marketing tool for your company. 

Facebook Groups 

Facebook Groups have become a huge source of success for businesses using the platform for their marketing. In the last few years, 74% of creators have used Facebook Groups to build their communities, with over 1.8 billion users of groups every month – meaning your community is definitely out there, you just need to find them and make them aware of your brand. You should have an idea of who your target market Is and who your ideal customer is. Abiding by rules of the group, look around and join groups that align with your business and its values, that include all the right people you’d like to eventually convert into loyal customers. 
Brand awareness is key to building an audience – if people remember you and can recognise you, whether that’s simply from your name and logo or from the way you’ve been able to provide information on a topic they’ve asked about, that’s a great first step to making people aware of your business. When people become aware of your brand via a group, they’re much more likely to engage with you and your content, which could then lead to them liking your page and continue the interaction outside of these groups and onto your business page instead before making a purchase. It’s all about the customer journey, and brand awareness is a key component in this. 

Interact With Followers 

The art of social media is to be social, so don’t constantly use sales pitches when talking to your potential audience, interact with people you see as potential audience members using your brand voice and answer any question’s they have using your brand voice and industry knowledge. Interacting with your followers shows them that you care about what they have to say, want to help them understand any queries they have about their industries and solve their problems with a product you provide. Even if you’re simply thanking them for a great review, this fosters positive environment for both you, your customers and potential audience members who see you’re actively engaged with those within your community. 

Valuable Content 

When you have a business page you need to be producing valuable content in order to convey your message to the audience and boost engagement. Whether you are creating graphics, videos, focusing on live content or have another way to promote your business via your content, everything you post must be meaningful and have value that will be recognised and appreciated by your audience. Show your knowledge and expertise, balance your value posts and advertisement posts and make sure you’re looking at your analytics so you can work out when the best time to post. Don’t just focus on the timeline – reels and stories have also grown in engagement in the last year, with 57% of businesses noticing that including Facebook stories to promote their products and services is crucial to their success. 

Facebook Ads 

Facebook Ads have become a staple tactic for marketers who want to use the platform for business promotion. When done correctly, you won’t need to spend a lot to get big results, especially if your ad is optimised for mobile devices which accounted for 94% of sales in 2019. Facebook’s Ad platform offers you multiple different options when it comes to creating your advert, from the ad types to the creative you’ll be able to tweak and change things so it’s fully suitable for what you want your ad to achieve. 
One of the best thing Facebook offers is their ad targeting options. You can break the targeting down so it targets your ideal customer exactly, even having the option to select what interests they have to make your audience size perfect for your business and for your budget. 
Promoting your business on Facebook is a journey, and one that will take your time and attention to successfully be carried out. Why not try out these tips and see how they can help with business promotion on social media? 
We’re reaching the end of another month, and during July we’ve seen a couple of updates to the Social Media & Digital Marketing world that are worth being aware of. 
Here is everything you need to know…. 

New Creative Options Added To Shorts 

With Shorts becoming one of the most popular ‘new’ features on YouTube in the last year, the platform has been working hard to ensure that it remains to be used and becomes even more of a rival to TikTok. This month they’ve rolled out some new features, including auto-layout for Android users, a text—to-speech option (much like TikTok), auto-captions that can be customised, the ability remix already remixed videos and, in a move like the sticker template on Instagram, the ability to use the new ‘Add Yours’ sticker and join in with other users based on the sticker prompts. 

YouTube Spaces 

In another move by YouTube, they’re also adding community spaces. Channel membership has been a thing for a while, allowing loyal viewers to get different perks should they sign up – this was then followed by the Community tab where creators could make posts either for all viewers or just members. 
Now, Spaces will allow not just the creator but also viewers to make their own posts and interact with one another within the channels Community Space, opening the platform up to becoming a more social and collaborative media platform. It’s currently being rolled out on selected channels, with hopes, if it’s successful, it will be rolled out across the platform soon. 

Overlay Ads On Reels 

Reels, like Shorts, seem to be Meta’s focus right now – with over 200 billion daily views - and they’ve been making changes over the last year to keep up with rivals and keep users on Facebook on Instagram instead of switching to TikTok or Shorts.  
Now, Meta is making it easier for advertisers to get engagement with their ads via reels, allowing an overlay option for ads either between clips or for ads to expand on the second playthrough of the reel. 

Small Update For TikTok Users 

TikTok will now allow users to add their own thumbnails to videos, which may help with grabbing user’s attention, creating cohesive profile feeds and luring users to click on videos on your profile. We’ve seen a the power thumbnails have had on YouTube, with different trends popping up over the years which, when used correctly, have maximised video views. Whilst TikTok in itself works different to YouTube in terms of it’s display, the new option to add a custom thumbnail could still have a big impact. 
That’s all for July! Have a wonderful August and remember keep an eye out for any more digital marketing or social media updates. 
Finally, your social media tip is: Analyse your Post Performance 
Seeing which posts get the most reactions and reach is key to growing your visibility. 
Simply head to your Facebook driving school's Meta Business Suite and click insights in the left column. You will see an overview of all your content with their reach (how many devices it appeared on) and reactions (likes, comments and shares etc). 
From there you can monitor what works and what doesn't. 
Simply do more of what works and less of what doesn't 😊 
If you’re creating Facebook Ads, then you must ensure the dimensions are correct so they’re displayed perfectly when they start running. 
With a variety of ad formats and placements that are available, understanding Facebook Ad Dimensions make the difference between a professional ad and one that appears unfinished or distorted. 
In this blog, we’ll take a look at the different Facebook Ad Dimensions for 2024, and discuss the benefits to running an ad campaign on the platform itself. 

Facebook Ad Image Dimensions 

There are multiple different options for images with Facebook Ads that vary based on the ad format you choose. 
If you’re using Feed Ads, your image should be a resolution of at least 1080 by 1080 pixels, or anything up to 30 megabytes. The minimum requirement for your Facebook Ad dimensions is 600 by 600 pixels, but there is no maximum size. Feed Ad image ratios go from 1.91:1 to 4:5, however if you’re using any stock images or you are advertising an offer then your image should be in the 1.91:1 ratio. 
For Facebook Ad Dimensions for carousel ads, file size can also be up to 30 megabytes, and at least 1080 x 1080 pixels in resolution. The image ratio should be anywhere between 1.9:1 and 1:1, and the maximum image size is 600 x 600 pixels. The same thing applies for column ads, article ads, collection ads and marketplace ads, although image ratio for these is 1:1. 
For stories, things change slightly- file size stays at the maximum 30mb, but the image size can be up to 500 pixels and 1080 x 1080 in resolution. The ratio is 1:1. Facebook does recommend leaving space at the top and bottom of story ads for a call to action and in-app features such as links or text. 

Facebook Ad Video Dimensions 

If you’re using videos, then the Facebook Ad Dimensions are as follows: 
- At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 
- Use the highest resolutions, as Facebook doesn’t have a maximum for videos 
- Use MP4, MOV or GIF Ad formats 
- Video length can be anywhere between 1 second to 240 minutes 
- Ratio is 1:1 
In stream videos have this set up, and you can use 2-10 videos for this style of ad. 

Benefits Of Facebook Ads 

Facebook Ads give your business a direct opportunity to reach out to the exact audience you’ve been looking for, allowing you to target them specifically on things such as age, gender, job and location along with much more to give you a better chance at converting. They also offer in-depth analytics into your performance and make it easy to understand how your paid advertising methods are working for your business. As one of the most popular advertising platforms on social media, Facebook have perfected their offerings when it comes to their Ad offerings, ensuring your business is set up for success when your ads are created to perfectly display what your business is selling or advertising to users. 

Benefits Of Outsourcing 

If you don’t have time to manage your Facebook Ads, you’ve tried it with little success or you simply don’t know where to start, outsourcing could be the better – and cheaper – option. Instead of spending your money on trying and testing methods yourself, pay someone else to take on your Facebook Ads that know exactly what to do to bring you the highest ROI and conversions. 
22:22 Marketing offer outsourced Facebook Ads Management, where you’ll receive everything from the creation to management of your Ad on the platform. We know how to create an ad that performs, using our methods to deliver the right style of ad for your business. Don’t spend all of your time trying to figure out what work best for your business, hand it over to experts that can bring you results. See more of what we offer by taking a look at our Facebook Ads Management page, or Book A Call by filling out the form below to get started. 
June is coming to an end, which means it’s time for another social media roundup! 
We’ve seen quite a few updates to digital platforms over the last month, so let’s take a look at what’s been hitting the headlines over the last few weeks… 

AI Insights Added To Google Ads 

Google Analytics 4 has been updated, now offering AI-powered notes created to highlight key data events, using more simplified language for better understanding. Google have explained this by saying: “Imagine your “Purchase” events spiked on a series of individual dates. Our AI engine works through the countless combinations of dimensions and metrics to proactively connect the dots, explaining why these spikes are happening. These insights will be written in a natural, easy-to-understand way, almost like a colleague summarizing the key takeaways for you.” 
With Google Analytics 4 becoming the standard platform from July 1st, they’ll be adding aggregated impressions from the linked Campaign Manager 360 accounts. Cross-channel budgeting will also be added so users can see their projected performance against target objectives. 

AI Assistance Tools Expanded For YouTube Creators 

Struggling for video ideas? YouTube has updated their ‘Research’ tab – renamed the ‘Inspiration’ tab - in YouTube Studio to provide AI recommendations for creators looking for some ideas on what videos they should make. YouTube have commented on this: “Breakout Videos will highlight videos from similar channels that have performed exceedingly well. The goal is to give creators a more holistic understanding of channels similar to them, what content is resonating with their audience, and inspiration.” 
They’re also adding A.I. tips, where creators will add a topic into the search bar so YouTube’s AI can provide ideas and notes based on what viewers may be interested in watching, and can generate a bullet pointed outline to help you get to grips with these suggestions. 
They’re rolling these out currently, and hope to have them in the EU and the UK soon. 

TikTok to Add ‘Virtual Influencers’ 

TikTok stay ahead of the curve by taking the AI boom further – now allowing businesses to choose from digital characters in their ‘Symphony’ Platform that can advertise their products and services on TikTok Live. 
If you don’t want to use one of their digital creators, you can create your own, which have the ability to advertise in multiple languages. 
The feature has been used in China since 2022, and has seen huge results for business owners who have seen their sales rocket thanks to these 24/7 livestreaming virtual influencers. 
TikTok have added further detail on this new innovation: “To help creators and brands captivate global audiences and deliver impactful messages in an immersive and authentic way, we are excited to announce Symphony Digital Avatars. Digital Avatars help breathe life into branded content with generative A.I. avatars of real people, which will enable new ways to scale creative strategies on TikTok.” 

Meta Adding New Features 

AI seems to be the topic for June – and Meta aren’t getting left behind. 
First of all, they’re rolling out an A.I. Q and A feature to help streamline the query process for businesses and their customers. 
They’re also offering users the chance to sign up to business’ marketing – from then on, any messages, offers or information from businesses will be sent directly to a user’s Messenger inboxes. 
Broadcast Channels are set to be rolled out for Facebook Pages with 10,000 or more followers, allowing businesses with smaller audiences the chance to get their followers into one channel and communicate with them directly. 

X Analytics Updated…For Premium Users 

Probably the most significant update this month for marketers on X – they’ve finally switched over what was Twitter Analytics to X Analytics, with a catch. 
The previously free-for-all feature has been locked behind a paywall, with users signed up to X Premium or the tier above the only ones able to access their advanced analytics. 
These analytics are now offering the following: total impressions, engagement rate, profile visits, video performance, link clicks and a new display to allow ease of access to different data. 
X have been slowly trying to drive up subscriptions in the last 2 years, with little success of hitting any of their targets to do so. By putting analytics behind a paywall, it’s just another way they hope to get people to pay for previously free features. The question remains whether they will – analytics are imperative to businesses whose main marketing is done on X, but often they’ll be using multiple platforms – so using another website who can provide the same info in one central place is probably the way many will go. 
That’s all for June! Have a great July and keep an eye out for any updates to come over the next month. 
Your social media tip this month is: Many business owners I speak to struggle to get their ads in front of the right people, pouring money into campaigns but seeing little return. 
You see the key to cost-effective, profitable paid ad campaigns is understanding your audience better. 
By using detailed targeting options and creating content that resonates with your ideal customers, you can turn your ads around and start seeing some real results. 
So, here are three tips that when used will help improve your ad performance: 
✅️ Research Your Audience - Dive deep into their interests, behaviours, and demographics. 
✅️ Test Different Ad Formats - Experiment with images, videos, and carousels to see what works best. 
✅️ Monitor and Adjust - Regularly check your ad performance and tweak your targeting and content as needed. 
These 3 simple steps can transform your ad strategy and help you see much better results. 💡 
Advertising on social media has paved the way for businesses to grow their audiences, make more sales and see growing success. Facebook is one of the markets leaders when it comes to such ads, providing a platform that makes the creation of ads a relatively simple process, and gives valuable insights into your performance – allowing you to make tweaks to improve the performance of your ads as they run. Facebook Ads also have the highest ROI for social media advertising, making it a key component in a digital marketing strategy. 
If you don’t think Facebook Ads will work for you – think again. Here’s why your business should be advertising on Facebook…. 

Audience Reach 

One of the best things Facebook offers you is unparalleled access to your audience – with 3 billion worldwide users, you target customer will definitely be out there, waiting for a business just like yours to solve the problems they’re having with a product or service that matches their needs and requirements. 
Facebooks targeting capabilities are one of the most attractive parts of choosing Facebook over its counterparts, allowing not just the most basic levels of picking your ideal customers characteristics, but micro-targeting options that narrow down the size of your audience to help you not only with costs, but also ensures you mostly reach the audience who’ll be likely to make a purchase. Facebook has data on all of their users – such as age, gender, job - that makes targeting a simple process, with audience segments further boosting the suitability of the people your ads are displayed too. These segments include such things as income, behaviour, education, interests – metrics that can be leveraged to give your business a better chance at converting users. 

Brand Awareness 

Facebook Ads appear on feeds, and make audiences aware of your business whilst they’re scrolling through said feed. Ads that are creative, attractive and stop users in their tracks further help with this brand awareness even if the user doesn’t convert to a customer straight away, but interacts with the ad in some capacity. Ad are your chance to make an impression, and sticking in the minds of users is imperative if you want to grow your presence on social media. 

Analytics & Insights  

It’s pretty likely you’ll already know that checking your insights and analytics is one of the key components to social media marketing. Facebooks Ad Manager offers you information on clicks, cost per click, reach and impressions, letting you know what is or isn’t working with the ad so you can make the changes needed to keep expenses low and retain your customers. These are real time results that must be checked and tracked regularly so you can analyse your ad performance over time. 

A/B Testing 

A/B testing can be a huge help to advertising on social media – allowing you to make different versions of the same ad and review the results to see which performs best. Facebook offers this as a specific feature, with the ‘winner’ of the A/B testing becoming the ad that’s displayed Facebook wide. This style of ad helps you test strategies, and gives you the options of using different variables to figure out the best way to go forward with your advertising methods in future campaigns. 

Mobile Optimisation 

Facebook Ads are optimised for mobile, and with 98.5% of users using mobile devices to open Facebook, meaning you won’t have to worry about making different ad formats in order to fit with both mobile and desktop devices. Mobile optimisation provides a seamless and engaging experience for users and advertisers, allowing you to reach your target audience whether they’re at home or on the go. 
Facebook Advertising is a huge part of what makes social media marketing a key part of strategies for many businesses looking to excel their digital presence. Start your journey by creating an ad today! 
Facebook and LinkedIn both have benefits for businesses looking to improve their online marketing efforts, but they both have features that may be more suited to how your business operates digitally. 
Want to know which is best for your business? Here’s all your need to know about LinkedIn and Facebook Marketing… 

User Base 

Facebook is the bigger platform, with over 3 billion users compared to LinkedIn’s 875 million, but that doesn’t mean Facebook is the better platform. Whilst it has a bigger audience, both platforms were created for different reasons, with Facebook made for people to connect with friends and LinkedIn for professional connections. Knowing exactly who your target market is will help when it comes to selecting your platform for digital marketing, as you’ll be able to get a feel for which site they may populate the most. 

Looking For B2B Marketing? Try LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is a platform for professionals, so if you’re looking to connect with like-minded business owners and use social-selling to get your business out there. Share thoughts with others in your industry, join groups that are relevant, and post content that’s valuable and insightful. LinkedIn was built for networking, so don’t worry about creating those valuable connections with people – they’ll likely be clued up on terminology and the ins and outs of your industry. 

Facebook Is Best For B2C 

If you would prefer B2C Marketing, you should take a look at Facebook. Facebook allows you to connect with your target customers and see what they think of your business. It also offers diverse targeting when it comes to paid ads, so you can reach out to the exact people who have an interest in your business and your products helping you build brand awareness, engage with customers directly and gather your insights through analytics. 

LinkedIn Groups vs Facebook Groups 

Both platforms offer groups, which are good ways to reach more people and build good relationships for your business. 
LinkedIn Groups are a place for industry professionals to gather and discuss the goings-on in your sector. You can also share your own experiences, and the latest news from your industry. There are also people in these groups that may not be leaders, but professionals who could benefit from the advice you share. Take a look into some groups that interest you and see the style of posts and engagements they get before joining. 
Facebook Groups also let you operate in a similar to LinkedIn, but you have to remember whilst you’re the professional, a lot of those in these groups won’t have heard the industry-lingo you know about so keep things a little more-simple. A lot of businesses create their own groups as an incentive to build brand loyalty and trust, offering those in there exclusive updates, discounts, Q&A sessions and more, and with over 400 million people in groups they find meaningful you can build a solid digital marketing foundation from Facebook just through your groups. 

Facebook Ads vs. LinkedIn Ads 

Facebook and LinkedIn both offer Ads, and whilst Facebook Ads are arguably the best out there on social media, LinkedIn Ads shouldn’t be discounted. LinkedIn Ads don’t have the same, low cost-per-click Facebook Ads do, but they are great - especially for Lead Generation adverts and reaching other Business owners. Facebook Ads are much more personalised, and have better targeting options that allow you to really narrow down you audience so you can be sure you’re reaching out exactly to the people who would be interested in your business and what you have to sell. 
Facebook and LinkedIn are both great platforms to use when it comes to your marketing, but selecting the right one and building on it will help to grow your business on either platform and create a loyal base of followers and customers. 
Facebook has over 3 billion users worldwide, and advertising on the platform can bring you a lot of sales and new audiences if done correctly. Facebook ads are one of the most popular forms of social media advertising, and can be a huge part of your digital marketing campaigns. 
Here are 5 reasons why you should consider Facebook Ads… 
Targeting options on Facebook are some of the most advanced, with businesses being able to go for specific interests to narrow down audiences more than they already have by looking at things such as gender, age, location and job. Targeting is such a highly important of creating great ads due to its ability to make sure you’re reaching the exact people you want engaging with your business, giving you a better ROI.