Getting your business some great graphics, copy and marketing strategies for social media are ideal ways to set yourself up for success, but without the perfect social media profile, you won’t bring in that loyal customer base and following that you desire. 
Your profile needs to advertise your business to your audience in the best way possible. It will often be the first thing the audience will see when they find your business, or the first thing they’re greeted with when they click through from a promoted post or ad. 
If you don’t know how to make the perfect social media profile for your business, here are some top tips to help you get started. 
Optimise Your Profile Photo For Each Site 
You need to make sure your profile photo for each social media is clear, and that it fits the size for each social media’s requirements. If you’re using your logo, it needs to be perfectly centred and able to be seen/recognised – nothing should be cropped out or missing. This helps you with consistency across your social media pages, as you’ll be able to be recognised quickly by an audience that may move across platforms. 
Try & Keep Content Consistent 
If you can create your own content, then you’ll want to make sure you’re doing it to align with your brand colours and style. Not only will this help with brand recognition, but will be specifically important for the appearance of your feed on sites like Instagram. It gives your business a professional look, and can really help to sell your content and products to your potential target audience. 
Consider Your Bio 
Your bio tells the audience something about you. A lot of business will use their slogan as their bio, or will post a recent offer or promotion in there. This wilL help to give your social media profiles a professional look, and potentially instantly offer new audiences a great deal. 
Bio’s are also great for SEO, so make sure you consider this when you write one. You should try and add relevant keywords where possible, but don’t overload it so it looks natural and not spammy. 
Promote Across Platform 
In order to bring one audience over from one of your social media profiles to another, share with your audience on other platforms when you have something exciting on another one of your accounts. For example, if you’ve posted an exclusive piece of content on Instagram or a new offer, then hint at it on your other social media platforms to get that audience heading to check it out and maybe even follow your Instagram. This helps to build your following on loyal customers on each platform you use. 
You can also add links to your other social pages in your bio, using something called Linktree. Linktree helps you to put all your links to your social media in one place, so your audience can be directed to your other social media and website from this one link. This is a nicer, and tidier way of having links to your other social media in your profile compared to multiple individual links. 
Make sure your links work by testing them regularly. A broken link is no good for you or your audience, so make sure they’re kept updated so they lead your audience to where they want to go every time. 
Create A Schedule For Your Content 
Consistency is important. You know your audience, and you can use your insights to see what times they’re online and interacting with you the most. Make sure to target these specific time and days the most so you can maximises your engagement and reach. Having a consistent feed will help to build trust with your audience, as they know when they can expect something from you, and interacting with any comment and queries they have in a professional manner with help with trust too. 
Getting your social media right first time can be a difficult task, but when you’ve optimised your profiles to work for you and your business you’ll begin to see more followers and interaction on your social media platforms. Try some of these tips today and get your profile perfect. 
Need further advice? 
Get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and see how we can help you grow your social media presence 
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