Social Media Content Ideas For Your Business
Posted on 16th June 2022

When you’ve set up your social media page, you’ll want to start creating content. There’s no point in creating your business’ page on social media and then not posting – you could be losing out on a huge amount of engagement and new clients if you don’t actively post content to your profile.
If you’re struggling for ideas and need some help to get you on the right track so you can begin posting the ideal forms of content on your social media, here are a few tips..
How Much Will You Post
Judging how much content you need to put out there can be tracked easily at the beginning by checking your insights. You may not want to post every day, and for some social media around 2-3 times a week should suffice. However, if your insights are showing that posting more than once or twice a week is giving your audience a “content overload”, experiment with posting less, yet more meaningful content.
You should also discover the ideal times to post through your insights so you’ll begin to appear at the top of your audience’s newsfeeds as soon as they come online. Therefore, if your audience generally comes onto social media the most at 3pm, post at around 2:55pm or slightly later so that you’ll be the first thing they see when they log on.
Repurpose Content
If your posts are doing well on your website or if you have a good text-based post getting engagement over on Facebook, you can capitalise on this by also sharing it on Instagram. You can create a graphic that relates to the copy of your post and share to your other platforms. Graphics are eye catching, and visual content is important on social media as it usually will be the first thing that captures the viewers’ attention. Sites such as Canva are ideal for graphics creation, so have a play around with it and find the ideal designs for your business.
Hold A Giveaway
If you’re in a position to do so, hosting a giveaway is a great way to get quick engagement and get your audience interacting with your business. Offer a product you have or a service to your audience for free and get them to comment something or answer a question you may have, then choose randomly from your entries.
On Instagram, giveaways often include asking the audience to follow your account, commenting the word ‘done’ and tagging a friend. This is a great way not only to build your following, but also potentially get your audience’s friends to check out your business if they’re tagged in the comments. Try it today and see how it works for you.
Highlight Your Customers
If you’re getting feedback from customers that is positive, ask them to share their stories and images of using your product or service. These can act as testimonials, but the visual element that can come with it will be hugely beneficial in swaying other customers towards purchasing your product or service. Say you sell cleaning products, a customer’s photo of their before and after of using your product will prove to the audience it’s a worthwhile investment for them. Giving your customers the spotlight also shows that you care for their opinions and consider them as valuable to your business.
Behind The Scenes Content
Show the person behind the business to your audience. Let them get to know the team, how the products are created, and what the day-to-day is like as a business owner. This will help them to create a connection with you and your employees and will put a face to the business. Customers value person-to-person interactions and so do social media sites like Facebook, so consider giving your audience some insight into the behind-the-scenes operations.
Product Teasers
Do you have a new product on offer? Instead of just dropping it on launch day, tease it in the days leading up to the announcement. This will get the audience excited and create anticipation for your launch. You want to create a buzz with your content, and teasing your products is a sure-fire way to do this.
What’s Trending?
Is there a trending topic that could really help your business? If so, you can tap into it with your product. For example, say you sell makeup, you can advertise your makeup kits during an event like the Oscars or BRIT Awards, using their hashtags, and telling your audience to ‘get the look’. You’ll be able to appear under searches for these trending topics which may bring your more engagement and followers.
Content can take time to get right but trying and testing ideas is a great way for you to reach your audience, see what works, and create a strong social media plan. If you need help with your social media, then don’t hesitate to contact Chris London Online.
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