With the rise of social media, many businesses don’t consider email marketing to be an important thing that they need to do when they start out. However, Email Marketing can provide you with the tools and opportunities to increase sales and your reach, especially to those of your target audience who may not use social media. 
Why exactly is email marketing so important for small businesses? 
Keep In Contact With Your Audience 
With emails, you’ll be able to keep your audience updated on new items, sales and deals that you’re running for your products. Emails can be accessed at any time on any device, so it doesn’t matter as much as social media when you’re sending your emails, as they’ll be waiting to be opened in an inbox of your target customer, instead of having to hit when there’s activity on a social media algorithm. 
The reason you’re able to email people is because they’ve signed up – they want to hear more from you. Therefore, simply addressing the user in the email with potential offers or trying to hook them into looking at your email and getting them engaged with your sales by saying ‘Hi [name], we have an exclusive offer waiting for you inside…” will help you to increase sales and engagement. Make your emails have a value and a purpose, so that it keeps your audience interested in your content that you’re offering to them. 
Hubspot research showed that 91% of consumers use email, so making that part of your marketing strategy is a great way for you to reach out to your target audience and increase your brand awareness, especially if the audience decide to forward emails onto others in their life who may also be interested in what you’re selling. 
Measure Your Analytics 
Whatever tool you use for your email marketing, you’ll find many come with the ability to track your analytics. You can see open rates, delivery rates, unsubscribe rates, click through rates and many more, that will help you modify your emails and study whether or not you need to be doing more or less. 
Metrics and analytics need to be studied across your marketing campaigns, as they’ll provide you with insights into the areas you need to improve, make stronger or to disregard completely from your campaigns. 
Just like social media, you don’t want to over-do it with your emails, but you don’t want to undersell what you do. Find the right balance and you’ll see what you can achieve with your email marketing campaigns. 
Email Marketing doesn’t cost you too much. Sites such as MailChimp allow you to send up to 12,000 emails for free each month, which for small businesses is a great number of emails that is available for you to send when you’re first starting out and building up your client base. 
Plan Your Campaigns Around Different Seasons and Events 
You can target your customers on certain days such as their birthday (if you have that information available) so that you can offer specific, targeted deals to them and get them engaging with your businesses email campaigns. 
If there’s a specific product left in their basket, you can remind them of it by asking if they’re still interested. For different seasons such as Christmas and Easter, you can design your emails to be revolved around these specific holidays. 
When you are using these events to promote, create a sense of urgency. Say it’s a limited time deal or something along those lines and get that audience on board with ordering before the offer is over. 
Email marketing is important and needs to be utilised if you want your business to grow outside of the realm of social media. Start setting up your campaigns and see how they can convert into sales today. 
Need further advice? 
Get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and see how we can help you grow your social media presence 
Tel: 07963216248 
Email: chris@chrislondononline.co.uk 
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