The Power Of Facebook Retargeting: How To Bring Back Lost Customers
Posted on 14th July 2023
If you’ve found that you’re losing customers before they make purchases, it can be demoralising and feel like your marketing efforts aren’t working. This isn’t necessarily the case.
Through the power of Facebook retargeting, you can bring back the customers you’ve lost, and get them purchasing from your business. Research suggests that 97% of customers will leave a website without making a purchase on their first visit – therefore becoming lost customers. You can however retarget these people via social media – and Facebook is a great tool to use to do this.
Facebook Ad retargeting allows you to find the customers that originally didn’t purchase from you, and get your business back out in front of them.
Here’s how to bring back lost customers using the power of Facebook Retargeting.
Facebook (Meta) Pixel
The Facebook Pixel (now known as the Meta Pixel) is the tool that allows you to reach those customers that you have lost. You need to download this pixel from Facebook, and place it on all the pages you deem relevant within your website code. When this is set up, it will be activated when a user takes some kind of action on your website, allowing you to measure these actions and begin retargeting toward those lost customers.
You can measure things such as:
- Page View
- View Content
- Add to Cart
- Initiate Checkout
- Purchase (When an order is complete)
Here are some things you can retarget based on…
Shopping Funnel Retargeting
Shopping Funnel retargeting is where you retarget customers based on their shopping behaviours during their customer journey.
You can retarget customers best on their intention to buy, going from anyone who visits your website all the way to those who initiate the checkout process.
Visitors to your website are likely to have the lowest buying intent, so retargeting this audience may not need a big retargeting window or lucrative incentive to make a purchase. Having a shorter timescale to retarget, such as a week, and offering something like free shipping will be enough to try and attract that potential audience back to your website and to potentially make a purchase.
Users that added to cart have a strong buying intent are likely to respond more to your retargeting efforts, so you can run your retargeting campaign for longer with this audience. Offer them a small discount on items to get them purchasing that item they had already added to basket.
Customers who initiated checkout are the customers who are furthest along in the journey, so these are the customers you really want to reach out to. You should offer them a bigger discount, and get them completing the purchase that they’d already initiated.
When retargeting these customers, you should make sure you remove the customers that have already made a purchase from you, as they’re not in need of retargeting as they have already completed their customer journey.
If you don’t have product to sell but you do offer services or subscriptions, then you can retarget in a similar way to audiences who showed interest in the subscriptions. For example, if you offer a monthly subscription, 6 months and then a year subscription, retarget based on customers who showed interest in each one and offer them discounts for a certain time if they sign up after seeing your retargeted Facebook ad. This creates a sense of urgency, and can help to persuade the audience to subscribe.
Event & Holiday Retargeting
During events and holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Mothers/Father’s Day Halloween etc, you can retarget customers by offering promotions based on these events.
Themed promotions are great ways of bringing back your lost customers, as they can be displayed to all who were in the customer journey, whether they just visited a page or made it all the way to check out. Discounts are good to offer for seasonal events, and are time sensitive – so those who see it will have to take advantage of the deal quickly before it runs out. You can also run these retargeting campaigns for a longer amount of time. However, when you notice interaction with the retargeting campaign dropping off, this should be a sign to stop your campaign and move onto other retargeting efforts.
Email Retargeting
Using your Facebook Pixel, you can upload your email marketing list and let Facebook try and locate accounts that match with the information you have provided. You can also create custom audiences based on their purchasing information, allowing you to reach out to some of your most loyal audience members with lucrative offers and deals that will attract them back to your website and to purchase services/products from you.
Don’t retarget people who made a recent purchase, as they’re still a fresh customer. Instead, retarget those who made a past purchase on your email list from a month or longer ago. This will help you bring back those customers who have experience with your business and have been loyal customers in the past.
Product Retargeting
Product retargeting is where you retarget customers with the products they were looking at or had added to cart but hadn’t checked out. These are known as Dynamic Product Ads (DPA), and are commonly used by brands as a way to remind people of what they were originally viewing.
These ads are displayed quickly on Instagram or Facebook, and Facebook can take images and the product descriptions from your website to show your audience the product they were looking at, but can also show them other related products they may be interested in too – potentially maximising the sales you could make from retargeting. You can also retarget customers who have purchased items, but may not have purchased secondary items. For example, if they’re buying one item from a collection of 10 items, showing them further items from these collections is a way to persuade them to purchase more.
Facebook Engagement Retargeting
People who have been interacting with you on Facebook or Instagram can be retargeted by your ads. You can retarget people based on:
- Interaction with your Facebook Page
- Interaction with your Instagram Business Profile
- Video views
- Messages to your Page
- Facebook / Instagram Store Visitors
Start with short retargeting windows, as there isn’t much to point towards any kind of buyer intent when it comes to social media interaction unless they’ve been interested in what you’re selling within your store on the platform itself. If you see interaction and conversion from this retargeting effort, then you can add these active audience members to different retargeting campaigns, such as the seasonal events or DPA’s.
Retargeting to bring back lost customers can be done in numerous ways, and Facebook can act as a great tool to do this. Start assessing your options and get turn those lost customers in to loyal customers today.
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