How To Build Trust On Your Social Media
Posted on 22nd March 2023

Having trust in your business on social media is key to creating a successful platform and marketing strategy. If your followers are able to trust you, believe in what you’re saying and know your products/services are legitimate and have worked for others, you’ll be on track to creating social media marketing success.
If you’re interested in how you can get your potential followers to have trust in you and your business, here are ways you can build trust on social media.
High Quality Content
You need to provide consistent, valuable and high-quality content on your social media platforms. If viewers can tell that there’s care and effort behind what your posting, you’ll be able to gain brand authority and brand trust.
You can create this content by considering the following:
- Who your audience are, and what they’d like to see. What do they interact with the most?
- Check out your successful competitors to see how they engage their audience, and if there’s any areas that they show weaknesses in where you can capitalise.
- Fill in the gaps in content your competitors are leaving, along with your other content, so you have a well-rounded social media that covers everything.
You content shouldn’t just be “sell, sell, sell” – inform the audience more than pushing your products. This will help them make a decision, get them interested in what you’re offering and trust that you also care and have a passion for your products/services.
You need to become the go-to in your industry, and by structuring your posts and creating a solid social media plan based on your insights and research you’ll be able to build yourself a good following of loyal customers and supporters.
If you include links in your posts, make sure they’re not broken or lead to unsecure sites. You have a duty to provide trustworthy links, so make sure you check every single one before you share them to ensure they work and are secure to promote to your audience.
Live videos are also essential parts of content. These will allow you to respond to questions and comments in real time, let the audience get to know more about you and your personality and show some behind the scenes exclusives. You can build trust with the audience in this way as they’ll be able to recognise the face behind the brand, and see the business values and how they align with you and humanize your brand.
Socialise With Followers
Social Media is exactly what it says in the title – social. You need to interact with your audience by responding to comments, reviews and messages in a professional and friendly manner. By building up a relationship with those taking time out of their day to leave a comment, you’ll show potential followers that you’re responsive to queries, and are happy to sort out any issues that may arise. They’ll trust that they’ll get a timely response from you if they were to leave a comment, message or review about the product or service they have purchased.
Encourage User-Generated Content
Encourage your customers to post stories or videos about the products they have received on social media. Not only will this show your product to be real, but also that it works for real people. As you’ll have a set audience, those viewing user-generated content will be able to recognise that if a product is working for someone similar to themselves, it’ll probably work for them too. It’ll also increase your reach, as you’ll also be reaching their followers – helping to expand your audience.
You can also collaborate with other trusted brands, which not only opens you up to their audience but also helps you create a valuable industry connection. Their audience will already have trust in them, so when they collaborate with your business their audience will have trust in you too.
Offer Exclusive Content
By offering exclusives and following through with these offers, you’ll be getting people engaged and giving them the opportunity to take advantage of any exclusives that may benefit them – making them feel special and considered by your brand.
Consistency Is Key
Your brand needs to have a strong, consistent look across all social media, so people can recognise you. Having your brand colours in your graphics, keeping the same brand voice on all platforms and spending equal amounts of attention will keep all your followers in the loop and help you maintain an audience that has trust in you to deliver.
Encourage Reviews
Reviews are one of the best ways to get people to trust you. They’re an essential part of any business that is looking to sell or provide services, as they’ll help to convince potential customers whether or not what you’re offering is worth it.
If you get negative reviews, a professional response will help to address and clear up any issues, or dispel any false reviews that you receive.
Building Trust can take time, but the more you put these tips into practice, you’ll start seeing your audience become more engaged and trustworthy of you, your products or your services. Start building your brand trust today.
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