When you’re planning to set up your business’ profile up on social media, you must consider two things – which social media site would be best, and how many platforms should you use for your business. 
Many businesses will be on social media across most platforms, but often, unless they’re big-brand companies with hundreds if not thousands of team members, that at least one of their social media platforms will be neglected. 
There are many things that go into advertising your business on social media, and the main thing you should consider are the demographics of these sites. 
Why Are Demographics Important? 
Demographics are important because they help you set out where you should advertise your business, and where you potential customers are. If you’re looking for an older target audience, sites like Instagram and Snapchat are the perfect places to reach them, as these are statistically hosts to a younger demographic. 
Making sure you get the correct demographic will help drive more sales, interest, and custom to your business, and will make people within this demographic aware of your brand, which could have a positive impact on your potential growth. 
What Sites Would Be Best For My Business? 
There are multiple different social media sites that we can explore when it comes to potentially setting up an account for your business. Here are just some of the most popular. 
Starting with LinkedIn, this is a great way for you to reach other people in your industry, make business connections and have formal conversations. It’ll help you with your networking, and you’ll be able to learn from other industry leaders in your sector worldwide. 
LinkedIn also allows you to connect with your ideal clients through their filters and their search options. This means you’ll be able to directly connect with the people you are looking to bring into your business, and make them a valued customer. 
LinkedIn is great for businesses who want to market on a professional level. If you want your audience to have insight into your business and any event you may hold, LinkedIn is the platform for you. 
If you’re looking to be a little more creative, Instagram is the perfect place for you to let your creativity shine. With multiple platforms allowing you to create consistent, stylistic Instagram posts that will make your Grid stand out from competitors, it provides you with a way to really get your business recognised. 
If you’re looking to make video content, IGTV and Instagram Reels will let you give your audience a snippet into your business behind the scenes. You can also use hashtags to get your products and services advertised to those who follow or regular check the hashtag you’re putting into your posts. If you’re looking to be more visual with your content, consider using Instagram. 
Facebook is a hub of business marketing. If you’re looking to share content, then Facebook is the best place to share links to your site or content for your audience to read, understand and enjoy. 
You can also create a group centred around your business so that you can create a deeper connection with your audience, provide them with exclusives and give them help on a more personal level. 
Facebook Ads will allow you to create your own advert, micro-target your audience and get results from people who may end up seeing your ad on their timeline, engage with it and bring you more business. 
Facebook is one of the most popular sites for businesses who are looking to market themselves on social media as it has all the tools available for you to build a successful network. These tools are easy to use, so if you’re a beginner, consider Facebook for your marketing. 
If you’re looking to be more casual and social with your brand, use Twitter. If you look at some of the big, corporate brands, Twitter is used as a way for them to try and relate to their audience or to have some friendly competition with their competitors. Twitter allows you to be social, so if you’re looking to make that connection then this platform will be great for you. 
If your audience is 35-65, Twitter is the perfect place – 63% of all users on the platform fall into this age bracket. Therefore, setting up an account on here for your business would be ideal. 
Twitter has also recently introduced Spaces, meaning you can have a live, podcast like conversation with your other industry connections, and you can get input from your audience too. If you don’t feel comfortable on camera, say on Instagram or Facebook Live, Spaces will help you speak to your audience without pressure. 
YouTube and TikTok 
YouTube and TikTok often aren’t the very first places you go when you set up a social media site, but they have become increasingly popular and useful for businesses. If you want to create video content these sites are perfect for you. 
Younger audiences revolve around these platforms, so if you want to reach them then creating content for these platforms is ideal. 81% of YouTube visitors are 18-25, so getting that audience engaged with what your business is about will really help you retain your target audience and get them interested in your content. 
Setting up one of two social media platforms if you’re a small business is a great way to get started with your social media marketing. If your audience is young, Instagram and YouTube could be great starting points, or if you’re looking for marketing tools, maybe Facebook and LinkedIn could go hand in hand. 
Whatever platforms you decide, make sure you’re able to equally distribute time to them, and you’ll see a great growth in your business’ sales, reach and engagement. 
Need further advice? 
Get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and see how we can help you grow your social media presence 
Tel: 07963216248 
Email: chris@chrislondononline.co.uk 
Or join our online Facebook for Business Course by clicking here 
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